The Witch's Brew


I'm still waiting on a response from work about the credentials I need to start working on their new platform. I might get them at some point today or tomorrow, next Monday at the latest. It's been nerve-wracking, knowing that I currently can't work until I get those credentials. Ah well. Not much to do but wait.

The garden is looking pretty good! Two more laurels have bloomed, and while it's getting a little chillier now, the hummingbirds seems to have really taken to the new bird feeder I installed. Unfortunately, the trees are beginning to lose their leaves and now I'm running around with a stuffy nose.

I said I was going to get started on Ken Eulo's The Brownstone, but now I want to get started on another book, Lilith by Nikki Marmery. I hadn't realized the mythology retelling phenomena had started hitting other mythos besides Greek retellings until I saw a copy of the book at Target, of all places. Gonna be honest, I don't particularly like this phenomena given that it still comes off as vaguely misogynistic, but what can I expect from retellings of godlike beings who were always so cold?

Anyway. Gonna mess around with my tumblr theme now.