The Witch's Brew

10:29 am

So last night, i had such wild dreams that I can't really figure out which one was first and which was last. I usually transcribe the dreams in a journal of mine, but I won't have much time to do that so here it is now:

in one dream, i'm apparently graduating from... high school? or college? but my friends from high school aren't, they're just hanging around. one of them - i'll call her y - left the building in a mood, so I followed her out in time to watch some fireworks. Y pops up in my dreams a lot, and she's been in every one of my dreams these past two weeks. It's almost eerie. And in those dreams, she seems to unhappy, and for all the little things.

moving on, in another tidbit of a dream, I go visit my grandparent's house. the toilet is clogged, and i know it's clogged because someone mentioned it earlier in the dream, i think. i try to flush it and it explodes and rains literal crap all over the place. I wake up gagging because i swear it almost melts into my hair.

I fall back asleep, and dream of trying to set up an appointment for a haircut. I think the girl follows me home, and manages to get in? But it's not my house, and it weirds me out that I arrived here.

There was so much more to the dreams, and like I said, it's eerie that Y keeps popping up in them. I haven't spoken to her in over a decade, and up until recently, she hasn't been that much of a presence in my dreams. I kind of wonder why.