The Witch's Brew

2:04 pm

I've bought so many books that I haven't gotten around to read. Looking at my bookcase, I've got at least six I bought more than ten years ago that I still haven't finished! And then my ass picks up one book I've read repeatedly just because it's my comfort book.

Anyway! I've been slowly working my way through the books in question. I just finished an old 70s classic, Suffer the Children by John Saul. I remember seeing the book in my middle school library but never really being interested enough in picking it up, and recently I checked it out of the library. It's exactly the kind of 70s horror book I expected it to be - eerie, gory, unsettling in a physical sense. I don't know what it was in the 70s that had all it's horror feel especially slimy. Nowadays, it'd be on so many DNR because of all the implications, but I prefer it over a lot of horror books I read nowadays. Next, I've got a copy of Ken Eulo's The Brownstone.