The Witch's Brew

5:28 pm

So all the orders I placed on the clock app have finally arrived! I'm always hesitant on purchasing from places like Tiktok, but I made it a point to disconnect my card from Paypal after making the purchases and paying the bills. It's just a habit I do out of nervousness.

Anyway! I won't be making anymore purchases until the end of September. That's my general goal - I budget for everything until I have some leftover money so I can buy some little trinkets here and there. I managed to get a raise in money, though, so I could afford to splurge this time. I purchased:

I plan on buying some sweaters and a cute jumper, as well as a few cheap rings because I've grown fascinated with rings now. Maybe a mini-printer to keep the receipts on me. On top of all that, I ordered a few books from Thriftbooks, but they're barely shipping out now. The books aren't for me, but since my nieces' birthdays are coming up, and after carefully vetting the books with their mother, I think they'll arrive right on time!