The Witch's Brew

9:58 pm

Lately, I've been thinking of my old friends from high school. I haven't spoken to most of them in years, and yet I see them very often in my dreams. Mostly, they haven't aged in my dreams, and still look the same as the last time I saw them. Sometimes, they look happy. The last few dreams I've had, I see them crying. In one dream, one of them was clinging onto me, sobbing about something asinine. In another, they're upset over late assignments.

Funny enough, I sometimes wake up feeling sad. I know friendships don't always last, but I sometimes consider reaching out to some of them, see if anything can be rekindled. Then I think, if it's meant to be like that, it's meant to be. I'm not lacking in friends, and sometimes I wonder if my old friends and I ever liked each other. I'm under the impression that at least one former best friend doesn't like me.

I don't know. I get headaches now, whenever I see them in my dreams.