The Witch's Brew

i'm a 32 year old librarian assistant with a degree in anthropology, and a particular interest in internet anthropology, mythology and ethics. i've been online since i was 12 and have spent years documenting the growth, fracture and explosion of the internet and social media. i wouldn't consider myself an expert, by any means, but i can definitely tell you a thing or two about the weird and obscure parts of the internet that have long since faded from time.

i'm obsessed with record-keeping, even if i do a terrible job at it. i keep dozens of journals around to record my thoughts, and have been trying to do so away from the internet, which i've come to realize has had a massive (and negative) impact on my attention span (that, and also the AuDHD). i will post here sporadically, and maybe make a hundred posts before disappearing for months on end.

i'm big on gardening, so expect to see me post some bits and bobs about what's going on!

thank you for reading, hope you have a great day!