The Witch's Brew

eternal cat frustration

gotta say, i'm not happy with whichever one of my relatives decided to let my cat roam around the backyard for an hour. all of two years getting her accustomed to being inside and the money for all the toys to keep her entertained, down the drain! now she won't stop begging to be let out. as i type, she's staring at me from across the bed, glowering.

i've been having a lot of dreams lately, featuring people i haven't seen in years. in buildings i haven't gone into in years. a few weeks ago, i had dreamed i was wondering around in my old middle school. some of the halls were empty, dark, with only a single light to keep the hall from being completely black. you make one turn, and end up stepping in a deep puddle. make another turn, you're outside, but in a yard that never existed.

i woke up feeling strange. the building itself is set to be demolished at some point in the near future. officially, it's to rebuild instead of updating the original building. a friend of mine who worked as a sub said it was largely because the enrollment was getting smaller and smaller, and funds were getting slashed left and right.

it's pretty sad, all things considered. i haven't been to that building in nearly twenty years. i have such vague memories of it, and now it's going to be redesigned and rebuilt into something completely different. the old building will only live on in my memory now, just like all the buildings in my childhood that seemed so prominent, so eternal, that no longer exist now.