The Witch's Brew

getting back into things

I first discovered the Internet when I was about twelve years old. It was on an old dinosaur system set up in the living room of my grandparents house, which eventually caught fire. years later, we got a laptop, and i began to explore the internet as best as i could (dial up was a much bigger hassle than i cared to admit). i started off on livejournal and moved around, finding forums and websites that no longer exist, talking to people who no longer remember my name.

as the years went on, and social media began to expand and explode, i lost myself in twitter and tumblr. i realized it was getting to be too much for me, especially in the past few years with the rise of the alt right on twitter. instead, i decided to get back to my roots - blogging and forums.

what this means for me is still up in the air. i work primarily from home, so it's not too much of a hassle to work between hours. i focus mostly on taking care of my mother, which is something i'll probably whine about in the future. for now, i'm just going to set up my spaces here and there and relax.